Human, As Intended
Claire Jedrek, co-owner of The Film Dispensary, #choosetochallenge the misconception that women are too emotional to be leaders.that women are too emotional to be leaders. Claire shares with us how motorsports has trained her to be a leader, and that being selfish and organised with her time has allowed her to be fully present, and a better person.
Brand Store Manager Suzette Simon #choosetochallenge the misconception that women lack the capabilities to lead. She shares how her mother inspires her work and her life today, and encourages women to stand up against prejudice.
Marketing Professional Iffah Suhaila #choosetochallenge the misconception that a female-dominated environment would be catty and negative. Iffah gravitated to pole-dancing as a form of fitness not only because she enjoys challenging her body, but also because she discovered that the all-female community is welcoming and close-knit.